Building Stronger
The Board of Directors plays a pivotal role in shaping Ascencia's strategy, overseeing risk management, evaluating performance, and ensuring effective governance. Their focus on long-term value creation, strategic guidance, and risk oversight contributes to the company's success and sustainable growth while safeguarding the interests of shareholders and stakeholders.
The Board is assisted in the discharge of its duties by three Board Committees, namely the Corporate Governance Committee (acting also as Nomination and Governance Committee and Remuneration Committee), the Risk Management and Audit Committee and the Strategic Committee.
The composition of each Committee is reviewed by the Nomination and Governance Committee at least annually and the membership is posted on this website.
Governance Structure
The culture at Ascencia ensures that its governance structure remains flexible, allowing for fast decision making and effective oversight.
The Board
The Board is primarily responsible for setting the Company’s strategy for delivering long-term value to Ascencia’s shareholders and other stakeholders, providing effective challenge to management concerning the execution of the strategy and ensuring that the Company maintains an effective risk management and internal control system.
Risk Management and Audit Committee
Oversees the Company’s financial reporting, maintains an appropriate relationship with the external auditor and monitors Ascencia’s financial controls.
Corporate Governance Committee
Oversees the corporate framework of Ascencia.
Reviews Ascencia’s remuneration policy and ensures there is a clear link between performance and remuneration.
Strategic Committee
Discusses the strategic risks related to projects and investments.
Executive Directors
The Board delegates the execution of Ascencia’s strategy and the day-to-day management of the business to the Executive Directors, who are assisted by their Property & Asset Management and Fund Management teams.
The shareholders and other key stakeholders of Ascencia play an important role in monitoring and safeguarding its governance.
Risk Management & Internal Audit
The terms of reference of the RMAC are in accordance with the provisions of the Code and were revised such that the RMAC oversees the risk management, internal control systems and audit matters.
The Risk Management framework of Ascencia encompasses its risk management structure, culture, journey, appetite and approach.
The audit department provides an independent assurance that Ascencia's risk management, governance and internal control processes are operating effectively and evaluates risks and internal controls implemented by management to effectively manage risks within tolerable level. The main risks and internal control findings are reported to the RMAC.